Scary videos that can't be explained
Caught on Camera

Scary Videos That Can’t be Explained

Scary videos have been part of the world’s collective imagination since the 1950s when Charles Ginsberg developed the first ever video recorder. While horror was probably not part of Ginsberg’s original plan for his invention, […]


5 Baffling Events That Remain Unsolved

Here are 5 baffling events that remain unsolved. Mysterious events capture our imaginations, intriguing us and leaving us wondering about the hidden and unexplained. From mysteriously moving coffins to ominous unexplained deaths, the world holds […]

Caught on Camera

11 Mysterious Videos That Cannot Be Explained

From last known sightings of people that disappeared mysteriously to inexplicable traffic accidents and ghostly sightings, we look at 11 mysterious videos that cannot be explained. 11. The Mysterious Disappearance of Lars Mittank [embedyt][/embedyt] […]