Eerie Events Caught on Camera Baffle Skeptics

These videos are scary!

Cameras are everywhere these days. From security cameras to the tech we carry around in our pockets, everything we do has the potential to be caught on film. It isn’t surprising then that eerie events are being filmed more and more frequently. Below, read about 8 such eerie events that were caught on camera.

8. Eerie Events – A Nighttime Visitor

It isn’t unusual for new parents to worry about their little bundle of joy while the child is out of sight at night. These worries have led to the popularity of baby monitors that can provide the parents with a video feed of their child throughout the night.

In this video which was sent to us by Daniel and Starceed, the happy parents saw more than they bargained for when they looked in on their peacefully slumbering child.

When these parents awoke in the middle of the night to check the baby monitor, they were shocked to see ghostly orbs floating across the screen. It looked as if balls of bright light were randomly hovering over the child’s crib.

What could have caused these bizarre spots of light? Orbs are a common way for spirits to manifest, so these parents could have been watching a ghostly visitor looking in on the sleeping child. The orbs don’t seem to mean the child harm, but the video is nonetheless creepy to watch.

7. A Day at the Park

Family outings are a great time to capture memories on video that you will want to cherish for a lifetime. In this video, sent in by MARSMAN 638, a family’s day at an amusement park takes an unexpected turn when the person behind the camera points the lens at the sky.

As the family walks through the park, the person holding the camera seems to notice something strange above them. When they point the camera at the sky, you can clearly see a dark, round object hovering in the sky. All that is visible is a dark spot; whatever is causing the shadow is too far away for the camera to capture any details. However, the object is visible numerous times throughout the video.

Could this eerie event have been caused by a UFO flying in the sky above the park? MARSMAN 638 believes his camera’s lens was able to remove the cloaking device on an extraterrestrial craft.

It isn’t often that such entities show up so clearly on film. However, many who have watched the video are certain that extraterrestrials were the culprits.

6. Eerie Events – A Ghostly Shopper

Sometimes, eerie events pop up when the camera is looking for something else entirely. In this case, the eyes watching this security camera were watching closely as a woman apparently attempted to shoplift items from a pharmacy. The woman’s guilt is questionable, but in the bottom left corner of the video feed, something even more interesting happens.

About 18 seconds into the video, an item falls from the shelf. While this may not seem like a strange occurrence, it is notable that no one in the store gets anywhere near the shelf where the item sits at any point during the video.

What caused the item to fall from the shelf when no human hands appeared to touch it? Could a ghostly disturbance be the culprit?

5. A Paranormal Investigation

A group of paranormal investigators, known as Shadow Patrol, caught a strange occurrence on camera when touring the Randolph County Infirmary in Indiana USA.

In this video, which was sent to us by lead paranormal investigator Rhonda, a colleague of hers is seen taking a moment to relax during the team’s investigation. The camera is still rolling, however, and manages to catch a potential ghostly act on film.

As the investigators chat, a door behind them suddenly slams closed. The investigators are clearly caught off guard by the sudden movement but are likely glad that their cameras caught the strange moment.

When Rhonda contacted us she mentioned that the door seen in the video had been open for more than 24 hours and was stuck on a layer of carpet. She said it would have taken a significant amount of force to move the door.

The Randolph County Infirmary is notorious among the paranormal community for being a hotbed for ghostly activity.

Built in the 1899, the building once housed everything from orphan children, the mentally insane, to the homeless and even tuberculosis patients. Many believe the suffering endured by its occupants over the years left a lasting imprint on the property.

It’s alleged that sightings of ghostly children and shadow people are common, especially in the kitchen and the attic.

Did Rhonda and her team capture evidence of the paranormal activity that is said to plague this old asylum? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

4. Eerie Events – A Disappearing Car

Some eerie events caught on camera are easy to brush off. You can come up with countless explanations that make the supernatural seem mundane. However, this next video, sent to us by SWINETOWN SWINE, makes it difficult to explain the events away.

What makes this video so special? In this case, the video contains two different camera angles that would make it difficult to fake the eerie events. The video is shot by a man driving a motorcycle through a roundabout. As he enters, he notes a red car also pulling in. However, when the motorcycle turns the corner, the red car has mysteriously vanished.

The video then switches to a camera that had been pointing towards the back of the motorcycle. From this view, we can see that the red car didn’t pull back behind the motorcycle. So where did it go?

This particular roundabout is located just outside of a hospital. Viewers have speculated that this ghostly car was there to collect the souls of the dead who never made it out of the hospital.

3. A Creepy Clown

In 2017, the Northeastern United States was stricken with fear over a rash of creepy clown sightings. The clowns often appeared casually holding menacing weapons, making their already disturbing appearances even more frightening.

Most of these eerie events were shared by word of mouth, but a few unlucky souls were able to capture the mysterious clowns on camera.

This video was uploaded by Youtuber Vincent Stahl. In the description he says a friend of his managed to capture something very eerie in the woods of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

The hunter who set up the trail camera caught footage of more than just wildlife. In the video, we see a figure in a white clown costume appear from within the trees and walk slowly across the camera’s path. The clown doesn’t appear to notice that it is being filmed. It just walks eerily through the woods late at night.

If the clown sightings were just pranks, as many believed, how do we explain this bizarre footage from a well-hidden camera? Even years after the clown sightings abated, this footage is truly spine-tingling.

2. The Old School

Many old buildings are said to be haunted. Visitors to such buildings often leave with stories of eerie events that sent shivers down their spines as they toured the supposedly haunted locations. In recent years, the owners of seemingly haunted locations have begun setting up cameras to attempt to catch ghostly activities on film.

In this video, capture by the Historical Preservation Society in Cameron, Missouri, a security camera was set up in an old school building that is said to be haunted. The footage is dark, and it is difficult to make out the features of the room being shown. However, a little over a minute into the video, the stillness of the tape is broken when a figure passes through.

Near the top right corner of the feed, you can clearly see a figure in a white dress walking across the room. The owners of the building believe that this tape is evidence of their resident ghost.

When the clip was shared across social media it immediately divided audiences. Because the footage so clearly shows a transparent woman in white, some thought it had to be a hoax – nothing more than a clever editing job designed to drum up interest. However, the uploader maintains that the footage is genuine, which has lead many to believe that what they’re witnessing in the footage truly is a ghost.

1. The Evil Jinns

In Muslim mythology, a Jinn is a spirit that is capable of acting in the mortal realm and even of possessing humans. If the Jinn is evil, speaking verses of the Quran can frighten the Jinn away. In the eerie events of this video, a man exploring an old building has a frightening encounter with what he believes to be evil Jinns.

As the man walks through the building, he hears loud noises, such as a locked door being violently rattled. When he opens the door, the room behind it is empty. Objects around him are thrown to the floor, even though the camera clearly shows that he is alone. The clearly frightened man shouts passages from the Quran in an attempt to keep the entities at bay.

Whether his attempts are successful are questionable. At times, the sounds quiet down, but when he moves on to other rooms, the violent Jinns continue their antics. Perhaps the building is home to numerous entities, and one man was not enough to control them all.

The striking thing about this video is that it’s filmed all in one take and even appears to be filmed in Snapchat. This would make staging the event incredibly difficult.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to dig up background info on this creepy clip, so as it stands, we’ll never know what became of the man or whether he really did encounter spirits from another realm.