The Most Haunted Dolls Available on eBay Right Now
Many people would agree that dolls are a little creepy. There’s just something about their still faces and dead eyes that many people find unnerving. The only thing eerier than a doll is a doll […]
Many people would agree that dolls are a little creepy. There’s just something about their still faces and dead eyes that many people find unnerving. The only thing eerier than a doll is a doll […]
These are the weirdest things you can buy on Wish.com. From fake teeth and tongues to outright drug paraphernalia, these are the most downright bizarre products on Wish.com. 20. Terrifying Children’s Mask Just what I’ve […]
The best Star Wars video games ever made. From the new Star Wars: Jedi Challenges to the nostalgic RPG adventure of Knights of the Old Republic, we take a look at the 8 best Star […]
Offensive board games. From a stereotyped Gay Monopoly to removing Jews from Germany, join us as we take a look at 12 offensive board games you’ve probably never played. 12. Subway Vigilante Board Game With […]
There are so many nice toys that you can get (from companies like mybestkids) and then there are those toys that are just a bit different to what you would normally get a kid. From […]
These toys are just disturbing. From Adolf Hitler action figures to Batman with a butt plug we take a look at the 10 creepiest toys ever created. [embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp956L9-NC4[/embedyt] 10. Batman Squirt Gun […]
Ah the glorious 80’s. Your mum had a perm, your dad had a marvellous moustache and you were wearing parachute pants while playing with your toys in the living room. From Ghost Busters to Transformers […]
Looking back over our childhoods it becomes apparent that not all toys were created with good intentions. From dodgy knock-offs to sexually overt imagery. Join us as we take a look at some truly despicable […]
If you were an 80s child you will undoubtedly recognize the best 80s toys. Have a break and take a stroll down memory lane. Duran Duran is on the radio, the threat of nuclear war […]
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