The Strangest Webcams You Can Watch Live Right Now

Have you seen any of these weird webcams?

3. Watching Grass Grow

These are some of the weirdest webcams you can watch right now.
Watching Grass Grow

If watching a really old light bulb didn’t get your juices going then what about watching grass grow? That’s right, users can log on and watch a Colorado suburban lawn grow right before their eyes.

The website is also a memorial to the Internet circa 15 years ago. Brightly lit hotlinks and a painful midi file drill into your brain as you question what the hell you’re doing with your life, watching grass grow on the Internet.

According to the website, grass grows 1/25th of an inch every hour.

2. The Abbey Road Crossing

This is a strange webcam
Abbey Road Crossing

This zebra crossing, located near Abbey Road Studios, was made famous by The Beatles when they photographed themselves crossing the road for an album cover. Since then it has become a place of pilgrimage for fans all over the world.

Now users can watch the popular crossing day and night via webcam. Marvel at the near endless stream of tourists forgoing safety for the sake of a photo. Watch them huddle around their cameras smugly, as they act as though they’re the first people to ever recreate the famous photo.

1. The Pitch Drop Experiment

This is a very strange webcam you can watch right now.
Pitch Drop Experiment

This is another seemingly asinine webcam stream that has quite an interesting backstory. Known as the ‘pitch drop experiment’, this glass container has slowly been dripping pitch since 1930.

So first of all, what is pitch? It’s a tar like substance once used to patch up boats. It has an extremely high viscosity level at high temperatures meaning it’s very thick and sticky when heated.

This experiment started in 1927 when Professor Thomas Parnell at the University of Queensland heated up a sample of pitch and left it to settle in a sealed glass funnel for three years. Then in 1930, he opened the seal and allowed the pitch to drip, very slowly, into a beaker below. Only seven drops fell between 1930 and 1988. The eighth drop occurred in 2000 and the ninth fell in 2014. This means the heated pitch is 100 billion times more viscous than water!

The Guinness Book of Records recognises the test as the world’s longest-running laboratory experiment.

You can watch this slow dripping substance any time here. Who knows you might witness an incredibly rare drip. You probably won’t.

So there’s our list of the strangest webcams from around the world. Did this listicle make you feel like Big Brother? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.