Creepiest Things Spotted in Children’s Playgrounds

Maybe Think Twice before Using The Swing!

From mysterious creatures spotted in the playground to equipment seen moving on its own, we look at the creepiest things spotted in children’s playgrounds.

6. Shadow Person Filmed in Playground

While there is very little information available about this mysterious video, it was obviously filmed in a children’s playground. However, the exact whereabouts is unknown.

It shows a woman sitting on a bench. She appears to be checking her cell phone as she enjoys the warm sunshine. Beside her is a book and a bottle of water.

The camera holder then pans around the playground showing various pieces of children’s play equipment.

Mysterious shadow person filmed in children's playground.

Once again they return the camera’s focus to the woman sitting at the bench. Only this time the wider view reveals a strange shadow at the bottom of the ladder.

Strangely, the shadow does not seem to have an owner. Its feet meet at the base of the ladder. However, no one is standing there!

Some viewers have pointed out that the shadow might belong to someone who is on top of the equipment and out of range of the camera. While others believe that this video has indeed captured something paranormal, suggesting that it could be evidence of an elusive shadow person.

As the debate continues over who or what is actually casting the shadow, there is no denying that it is certainly some very unnerving footage and definitely one of the creepiest things ever spotted in a children’s playground.

5. Basketballers Spot Slender Man


This very brief clip, uploaded to YouTube by L30ooPRODIGY has captured something very creepy lurking by the playground.

As two boys are being filmed playing basketball, one of them notices a mysterious figure that seems to be watching them from behind a nearby tree.

The camera holder quickly turns to see what it is and manages to capture a glimpse of a very tall being with a large, white face.

The uploader of the clip believes that the figure could actually be Slender Man, the supernatural being that is thought to have originated on the Something Awful forums back in 2009. Despite this creepy character’s supposed origins in fiction, many believe that he might actually be based on sightings of similar creatures that have been reported in many parts of the world for hundreds of years.

This is not the first time Slender Man has been spotted lurking in a children’s playground either.

In 1983, this photo was taken as part of the Local Studies Collection by the City of Stirling Libraries and also seems to show a figure very similar in appearance to Slender Man.

An old photo of Slender Man in a children's playground.

Creepypasta Wiki

You can see that the figure is unnaturally tall and has a large, pale face. It also appears to have long, tentacle-like appendages – a feature that Slender Man is also often thought to possess.

It is said that Slender Man preys on children. However, there is never any evidence left behind of his victims.

Could this photo prove that Slender Man really does exist? Or is it more likely to be a fake constructed by an overenthusiastic creepypasta fan?

4. Mysterious Creature Spotted in Playground


This seriously scary video was posted to ApexTV‘s YouTube channel in August, 2016. Supposedly captured in a playground somewhere in Mexico, the clip shows some sort of mysterious creature standing on top of the fort.

At one point, the beast seems to turn and spot the person holding the camera and you can see the light gleaming in its eyes. It then, leaps from the fort and disappears into the night.

When this video first appeared online, it immediately divided the paranormal community. Many believed the video to be genuine, suggesting that the creature resembled an alien or even the mysterious beast known as The Rake. Others were far more skeptical however. Citing the strange, almost jerky way in which the beast leaps from the fort as evidence that the video had been edited in some way.

While it’s difficult to know if the video is real or fake, the creature certainly does look menacing and if there is even a slim chance that this beast might be roaming around out there then it’s probably a good idea to think twice about taking your children to the playground.

3. Photographer Captures Ritual in Playground


While this photo certainly qualifies as one of the creepiest things ever seen in a children’s playground, there is actually very little information available about it.

In many ways, that makes the image even more unsettling. However, the reason that it doesn’t seem to have a backstory could also be because it is a fake.

Looking at it though, it certainly does appear to be real and the idea that anyone would conduct some sort of evil ritual in the middle of a playground is very disturbing. The way in which the person is standing on the pentagram is also very creepy. They look similar to a soldier in a military parade, upright and attentive.

Could it be possible that the photographer actually stumbled upon some sort of sinister ritual being conducted in the playground? Or does this image tell a different story? If anyone has any information on the origins of this mysterious photo, we’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.

2. The Ghost on the Swing


This very unsettling video was captured by Scott Denton at a playground in Rhode Island.

He claims that his children were nervous and didn’t want to get out of the truck after seeing what they believed to be a real life poltergeist.

When he posted the video online, it quickly went viral as viewers offered their opinions on the clip. Many claimed that it was the wind and not a supernatural force that was making the swing move. Others thought that the footage did seem to show something unusual, noting the swings erratic motion and the lack of movement from the other swings.

This is not the only clip that managed to capture play equipment moving on its own. This footage, uploaded to Facebook in June, 2019, shows another swing moving in much the same way.

The video appears to be footage taken from a security camera overlooking a playground in an unknown location.

At the very beginning of the clip you can see that neither swing is moving. Then, the swing on the left slowly begins to slide back and forth. It continues like this for a moment before appearing to be pushed violently from behind by some sort of unseen force.

The movement of the play equipment now seems to attract the attention of whoever is watching the monitor.

As the swinging continues, one of the viewers notices that there appears to be a dark shadow on top of the swing. The shadow almost looks as though it could be controlling the swing’s movements.

Watching the video, its difficult to come up with any other explanation as there certainly doesn’t appear to be any wind and the second swing remains totally motionless throughout the clip.

What do you think is going on with these creepy swings? Are they really being controlled by some sort of unseen supernatural power? Or is there another explanation for their strange movements? Let me know you thoughts in the comments section below.

1. Creepy Character in Abandoned Playground


This truly unsettling video was posted to Horror Adventures‘ YouTube channel in April, 2018. The uploader claims that they captured the footage while driving around in a forest in an unknown location.

In the beginning of the clip you can see that there is a creepy figure rocking back and forth on some sort of swing in what looks to be an old abandoned playground.

The car then cuts its lights for a moment and when they turn back on, the person is now standing by a tree. They are not moving at all and appear to be oblivious to the car’s headlights which are shining directly at them.

The lights turn out once again and when they turn back on, the figure is nowhere to be seen. They dim again and the figure reappears. This time they are standing much closer to the car.

The lights cut again and the creepy figure is now staring directly at the camera holder.

The figure then disappears one final time and when the lights turn back on they are standing right beside the car! They are so close you can see that they are wearing a dark jacket and pants and an eerie white mask.

The driver only manages to catch a glimpse of the mysterious figure before the clip abruptly ends and while it’s not possible to know what actually ended up happening to them, this video serves as a reminder to the rest of us. Don’t go searching forests for abandoned playgrounds in the middle of the night.