10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created

These Scary Statues Will Haunt Your Nightmares!

5. Spider By Louise Bourgeois

Spider by Louise Bourgeois - 10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created


This creepy sculpture is actually 1 of a series of 6 gigantic spiders created in 1996. Several of the oversized arachnids are housed in permanent locations including the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C. In 2006 one of the statues sold at auction for a mind-melting $4 Million. In 2008, another Spider sold for $4.5 Million and most recently, in 2011, another sold for a staggering $10 722 500! The latter selling for the highest ever price paid for an artwork by a female artist at the time.

4. Rabbit Devouring a Man by Adam Trbusek

Rabbit Devouring a Man by Adam Trbusek - 10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created


This statue of a giant pink rabbit eating a man in Plzen, Czech Republic is straight out of anyone’s creepiest childhood nightmares. The artist, Adam Trbusek describes the piece as symbolising man and his constant struggle against the system and said it was inspired by the painting “Saturn Devouring His Son,” by Francisco de Goya. After erecting the statue, the local council has received several complaints asking it be moved to another location. Imagine being a small child looking out the window of that apartment building and seeing that thing just before falling asleep at night!

3. Lake Natron’s Frozen Animals

Lake Natron Frozen Fish Eagle - 10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created

Live Science

Lake Natron in northern Tanzania is a salt lake with a pH of more than 12. The caustic waters of the lake make it almost uninhabitable to most wildlife except for flamingoes that make their nests on the small islands in the centre of the lake. The unusual conditions of the lake preserve any animal unlucky enough to fall into the briney waters turning them hard and statue-like. Unsuspecting birds commonly fall victim to the lake’s caustic waters which can burn their skin and eyes eventually turning them into an eerie motionless statue.

2. Weeping Angels

Weeping Angel - 10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created


Weeping Angels are characters from the Sci-fi series Dr Who that resemble winged angel statues. They remain frozen in their statue form as long as they are being watched but can move very quickly when not seen. They harvest human life force by sending their victims back in time and feeding off the potential energy of the victim’s future. Although these characters are fictional they do have a chilling backstory and are consistently voted one of the scariest Dr Who villains ever created. The idea that a creepy stone statue may come to life when you look away is enough to think twice about visiting a museum ever again.

1. The Haserot Angel

The Haserot Angel - 10 Creepiest Statues Ever Created


Located in the Lake View Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio is the Angel of Death Victorious mounted on Francis Haserot’s gravestone. The life-size bronze statue appears to be weeping tears of blood from it’s pupiless eyes. It holds an upside down torch that has been extinguished, symbolising life that has been snuffed out. Many people visit the cemetery each year just to see the statue and gaze into it’s eerie weeping eyes.


That was the 10 creepiest statues ever created. Do you have a creepy statue in your town? Let us know!