These real time travel photos are causing quite a stir on the Internet. From a man photographed looking out of place on a beach to people seen using smart devices way ahead of their time, these perplexing time travel photos simply can’t be explained.
1940’s Beach Time Traveler
British war workers escape to the seaside – this Cornish beach was photographed in September 1943. (It would be lovely if one of you were able to identify which beach!) ❤️
— BabelColour ? (@StuartHumphryes) September 30, 2018
Is this the proof of time travel that everyone’s been looking for? According to Internet debate, it might just be.
On October 1st, 2018, film colouriser and video editor Stuart Humphryes posted a picture he had recoloured to his Twitter. The photo is of British war workers in 1943 visiting Towan Beach, Cornwall. It’s a charming scene of beach goers seeking respite from the sun. However, one Twitter user noticed the strange man in the middle of the photo.
If you take a closer look, there’s a man right in the middle of the photo wearing an out of place brown suit and he looks to be checking a mobile phone.
This photo was taken during World War 2, a full 30 years before the first mobile was invented, yet the man seems as though he’s texting. Some think the man has been sent back in time to monitor certain events during World War 2 and this photo could be him reporting back to his timeline via some kind of futuristic device.
One commentator hailed the photo as solid proof of time travelers, saying: ‘Finally the evidence we need that time travel is real.’
Humphryes remained level headed about the time travel hype and said ‘I think that chap is rolling a cigarette!’
The photo has since gone viral with many news outlets like Fox News, Daily Mail and LADbible running with the story.
What do you think, is this a man sent from the future to monitor the war or is it simply a gent rolling a cigarette? Fire your opinion off in the comments below.
Marilyn Monroe Time Travel Photo
For some time now there have been rumours spreading around the Internet that Marilyn Monroe is actually a secret time traveler.
This photo, which was unearthed from a film archive several years ago, appears to show Monroe texting on a device very similar to a modern day mobile phone. Some historians have noted that the object is nothing more than a packet of cigarettes yet those who have seen the image can’t help but notice the way her hands seem to be actively holding the device. She looks to be far more engaged by the object than if it were simply a packet of cigarettes.
This photo has led many to believe that Monroe is indeed a time traveler and that this is evidence of her sending messages back to the future.
This isn’t the first conspiracy theory that Monroe has been caught in. Some film historians have posed the idea that Monroe was having an affair with brothers John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy. It’s been alleged that during this affair Monroe became privy to top secret information regarding the existence of aliens. In a purported CIA memo, two departments discuss that Monroe was told by JFK that he saw ‘things from outer space’ at a secret military base. Some have speculated that Monroe was murdered by the Kennedy brothers because of the affair and her insight into the top secret information.
However, other theories suggest she was inducted into a classified time travel program run by the US government. This wild theory could explain why Monroe was photographed in bed with what appears to be a mobile device. It also gives credence to the dozens of sightings of Marilyn Monroe, alive and well, over the last few years.
1918 Time Traveler Newspaper Clipping

In 1999 a magazine called Weekly World News claimed to have uncovered an old newspaper clipping from 1918 showing a time traveler. The clipping is allegedly from a long-defunct newspaper called the New York Police Courier. The headline reads ‘Mystery Man Found Dead in 2-foot-long “Space Tube”‘. The image shows the feet of a man in a cylindrical object. Nearby on the grass there’s a device that resembles a mobile phone from the late 90’s.
The article purports that a scientist came forward proclaiming to be part of a covert, government run time travel program. He said that they were responsible for the mysterious tube and the death of the man. He claims that he and his team looked for years through old newspaper clippings hoping to find evidence of the man they had sent back in time. And sure enough, he found this 1918 clipping.
Some debunking sleuths have noted that the publication Weekly World News, who broke the story, are infamous for making stories up. Another commenter pointed out that the alleged 1918 clipping is written in a font that resembles a sans-serif typeface called ‘meta’. ‘Meta’, wasn’t created until the early 1990’s.
So which is it, made up story or genuine evidence of time travel? Without further information, we may never know.
San Joseph Bay, 1917
This photo taken in San Joseph Bay in British Columbia, Canada in 1917 has set the Internet alight with talk of time travel.
In the photo you can see a man to the left dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with a wild mop of hair. His looks are in stark contrast to the traditional attire worn by the fellow beach goers. Everyone else is wearing dresses and suits with wide brimmed hats – while the alleged time traveler looks comparatively modern. The posture of the so-called ‘time traveler’ looks almost as if he’s just appeared out of thin air.
If you look closely there’s a man in a hat looking astonished at the the way the time traveler is dressed.
The photo was first discovered in a book published in 1974 called The Cape Scott Story. The book details the history of Cape Scott on Vancouver Island.
When the photo was shared across social media, people dubbed the man a modern-looking ‘surfer dude’, with his baggy tee and knee-length boardshorts.
So the question remains, has this historical photo inadvertently captured a time traveler? Or is it simply a young man sporting a look that is ahead of its time?