10 Ghost Photos That Can’t Be Explained

Can our world be haunted by the deceased? Many people believe in an afterlife but lack solid evidence. Are the following photos proof of the spirit realm? Join us as we examine 10 ghost photos that can’t be explained.


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10. The Fanham Wood Mill Apparition

Ghost photos that can't be explained

This ghostly picture was taken in early January, 1929 in the Fanham Wood Mill in the United States by a builder named Robert D. Walsh. At the time the young builder was making repairs to the stair case when he needed some reference photographs to help with the renovations. He had been alone all morning and said that his dog had been acting unusual, whimpering at thin air. Then when the photograph was developed it was clear that some kind of apparition was hovering at the top of the staircase.

Mr Walsh died in November 1943, having sworn that the photo was real and hadn’t been altered in any way.

9. Ghostly Family Photo

Ghost photos that can't be explained

In the late 1800’s this family sat down to get a group photograph. When they developed the photo they noticed a haunting face in the background. It is said that this is the face of a family member that had recently died. It would appear they didn’t want to be forgotten and desperately wanted to be included in the family photo.

8. Little Girl and the Abandoned House

Ghost photos that can't be explained.

Little is known about this picture other than it was posted anonymously in a forum in the late 90’s. Apparently it was taken while exploring an abandoned house, the poster was adamant that nothing or no one was present when this picture was taken.

7. Tulip Staircase Ghost

Ghost photos that can't be explained.

This chilling ghost photo was taken in 1966 by Reverend Ralph Hardy in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. At the time, the Reverend was taking a series of photos of the of the Tulip Staircase in the Queen’s House. When he had the photographs developed he was stunned at what he had captured. The Reverend was certain no one was present that day as the staircase has always been off limits to visitors.

Many experts have tried to prove this famous ghost photo as a fake but have fallen short. Kodak even examined the photo and determined that it had not been altered in any way.

6. Ghostly Visit at a Birthday Party

These ghost photos can't be explained

This photo was posted to Imgur by username TheStringer. It was taken back in 1970 at a birthday party of theirs. Nothing unusual happened that day until they noticed the strange face of a girl at the bottom of the photograph. No one could identify the little girl, they thought it may have been a friend-of-friend or a passing neighbour. Then one day TheStringer’s grandmother saw the photo and was certain it was the face of Maree, her daughter that had died several years before the photo was taken.


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