10 Extreme Close Calls Caught on Camera

These clips are terrifying!

Extreme Close Calls. From an 80 year old woman nearly falling out of her skydiving harness to a guy nearly getting eaten by a shark, join us as we take a look at 10 extreme close calls caught on camera.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtuF_T0yE9U[/embedyt]


10. Woman Nearly Hit by Plane Taking Off

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2MPuk0SkPA[/embedyt]


This footage, taken in an unknown location, shows the moment when two people nearly get hit by a plane taking off.

The woman holding the camera is filming her friend ride a quad bike down an airport runway. In the distance you can see a light aircraft beginning its takeoff. The plane comes within metres of collecting the woman holding the camera. It even seems to take evasive action nearly grounding its left wing on the tarmac.

Why were they on the landing strip in the first place and why didn’t they try and run out of the way?

9. Oil Tanker Almost Hits Stalled Boat

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW_dk2NCOUU[/embedyt]


Check out this close call footage filmed in Sandy Hook, New Jersey in 2011. Filmed on board a fishing charter, you can see a small boat that has stalled right in the path of an oncoming oil tanker. Luckily the tanker passes safely just metres from the stranded boat. Astonishingly, as the massive ship is passing by, one of the passengers takes off their life vest!

8. Barcelona Plane Near Miss

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nnZwCn7IMY[/embedyt]


This extraordinary footage was taken at Barcelona’s El Prat airport on July 7th, 2014. You can see the moment when a plane taxis across the path of another plane that’s about to land. The incoming plane is forced to sharply ascend to avoid a catastrophe.

7. Kid Nearly Dies on Sling Shot Ride

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtrwM9bvutU[/embedyt]


Taken in the mid 90’s, this footage shows the moment when a child almost slips out of his seat-belt on a sling shot ride at an amusement park. As the ride propels to extreme speeds of up to 160 km (99 miles) the boy pleads with the woman named Janice for help. Bizarrely, Janice couldn’t care less about the boy’s safety as she madly cackles to herself.

6. Crocodile Close Call in Mexico

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM0KeQfJwJQ[/embedyt]


This footage popped up in mid 2014. Filmed in Sian Ka’an, Mexico it shows a tourist being stalked by a giant crocodile. He frantically swims for the shore as the beast slowly follows behind, waiting for its moment to strike. Luckily, some quick thinking onlookers throw a large object into the water to distract the hungry crocodile.


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