For no other reason than to melt your heart and make you smile, here is the finest selection of Teacup Piglets found on the Internet curated for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
First piglet up makes you regret every ham sandwich you ever ate. I’M SO SORRY!
F*%k yeah, ice-cream!
‘Does my appearance amuse you?’
Teacup Piglets do the darnedest things.
‘Henry, how did we get into this giant teacup?’
Wait a second, they’re not rabbits!
‘And next I shall play you Vivaldi’s Spring Mvt 3 Allegro pastorale’.
‘You took too much man, too much, too much.’
‘Come away with me giant strawberry. Let’s leave this place. We’ll travel the countryside and have adventures.’
‘Come away with me giant beer. Let’s leave this place. We’ll travel the countryside and have adventures.’