Who says all creepy crawlies are nasty!? These insects are all natural works of art. From beautiful patterns to dazzling colours, we take a look at the 10 cutest and most colourful insects on earth.
10. Oleander Hawk Moth
The oleander hawk moth is native to parts of Africa and Asia. During the summer months this beautiful moth migrates to Eastern and Southern Europe Especially areas of Turkey. The adult moth feeds on many different species of fragrant flower while the caterpillar feeds mainly on oleander, a highly toxic plant to which it is immune.
9. Pink Orchid Mantis
The pink orchid mantis is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia including Malaysia and Indonesia. It has an amazing ability to camouflage alongside orchid flowers with it’s hind legs resembling flower petals. This ingenious creature grabs hold of an orchid flower and begins to sway from side to side. It lures smaller insects closer with the black dot on it’s abdomen that resembles a small fly. Once the insects are close, it strikes out with it’s forearms, seizing and eating it’s prey.
8. Venezuelan Poodle Moth
The Venezuelan poodle moth was only recently discovered by Dr Arthur Anker of Kyrgyzstan in 2009. Native to the Gran Sabana region of Venezuela, South America, the aptly named poodle moth looks like it it covered in wool similar to that of a sheep. With it’s long brown antennae and large black eyes, this furry little moth looks cute AND creepy all at the same time!
7. Coreid Bug Nymphs
The Coreidae family of insects include more than 1900 individual species. Commonly known as leaf-footed bugs due to the leaf-like hind legs of some species, Coreidae can often be found on squash and pumpkin plants on which they feed. Coreidae range in size and can grow larger than 10 mm (0.4 inch) in length. They come in a wide range of colours from brown and green to intricately coloured designs like the ones pictured here.
6. Pink Katydid
The most common variety of Oblong-Winged katydid is usually a shade of green but there is also a much rarer pink variety. Originally scientists believed the variance in colour to be an ability of the insect to adapt and camouflage to Autumn (Fall) hues in it’s surroundings. This theory was abandoned after American entomologist and myrmecologist, William Morton Wheeler found pink katydids in the prairies of Wisconsin and Illinois during July. The colour variance is now known to be genetic with an even more rare yellow and orange variety also observed.
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