Are These Ghosts Caught on CCTV?

Real or fake? You decide.

Have these security cameras captured proof of ghosts? From a centuries old headless drummer boy to a terrifying poltergeist attack, join us as we take a look at 5 pieces of ghostly CCTV footage.

5. Ghost Captured in Window

This is some footage of a man filming an airport runway. When he glances down at the road his camera catches something off-putting.

Whatever was captured disappears. The creepy thing is that it triggers the CCTV camera to spin around and look at the window where the figure was.

4. Poltergeist in Restaurant

This is some CCTV footage taken in October 2013 at Jimmy’s World Grill and Bar. It shows a women finishing a meal then getting up to pay. Once she leaves, something weird happens at her table.

3. The Spirit of Dover Castle

Dover Castle in Kent, England is reportedly haunted by several ghosts. Workers and security guards often report disembodied screams coming from the castle ramparts. The halls are said to be haunted by a headless drummer boy who was brutally murdered many centuries ago.

Here’s some footage taken in August 2009 at one of the gates to the castle. Some kind of dark figure floats across screen then disappears. Moments later a security guard rushes to the scene but is dumbfounded by the experience.

2. Carlisle Castle Hotel

This is some CCTV footage taken at the Carlisle Castle Hotel in Newtown, Sydney Australia. When owner Peter Bradbury noticed strange things happening around the bar, glasses smashing, wine falling off shelves, he decided to review the security camera footage. What it captured is truly startling:

1. Ghost in Malaysian Hotel

A security camera in a Malaysian hotel has captured a terrifying encounter. The first camera shows an armchair sliding on its own then a door violently slam shut. The footage then cuts to a woman sitting in alone in a room. What happens next is terrifying:

So there’s 5 ghosts caught on CCTV. Do you think the videos in this listicle are real or fake? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.