4. Battered Cargo Ship
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38jDQkkaxT8[/embedyt]
While this isn’t a traffic accident as such, it does involve cars. Filmed on board the cargo ship Astongate in the wake of a storm, a number of smashed Japanese imported cars are seen strewn about the deck. As the vessel traveled from Japan to Russia with a cargo of 64 cars, 52 of them were flung into the ocean as the ship encountered unusually choppy seas. There’s little information how exactly the accident occurred as no distress signals were recorded during the ship’s transit.
Reports have noted that a clause in the shipping contract states that owners are importing the cars at their own risk. Ouch, that’s 52 uninsured cars sitting at the bottom of the ocean.
3. Lightning Hits Car
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Krr4TazMg[/embedyt]
This wild footage was captured by a CCTV camera on the property of a manufacturing plant in Edmonton, Canada. It shows a pick-up truck driving down the highway when suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes down onto the roof of the car. The elderly couple that were in the truck at the time were luckily saved by a passing police officer just moments after the stream of electricity hit.
2. Woman Jumps out of Car
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es3EJTAVdw8[/embedyt]
On September 1st, 2015 this dash cam captured some extraordinary footage while driving down the highway in San Bernardino, California. It shows the moment when an intoxicated woman steps out of the drivers seat of a moving car and calmly walks onto the sidewalk. The car, which was left in gear, careens into oncoming traffic forcing drivers to take evasive action.
According to the Daily Mail the driver was so intoxicated she was unable to give a statement to police. Infuriatingly, she was released without charge due to ‘insufficient’ evidence. If clear video footage and blood alcohol readings aren’t sufficient evidence then I don’t know what is.
1. Lefortovo Tunnel, Russia
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF9lfhAS_54[/embedyt]
This is the Lefortovo Tunnel in Moscow, Russia. It’s been known to cause so many accidents that it’s been nicknamed ‘the tunnel of death’. Built in 2003, it runs under the Yauza River which has been known to leak down into the tunnel. In winter, temperatures can drop as low as ?38 °C which freezes the leaking river water creating a very dangerous stretch of road. This CCTV footage highlights just how deadly it can be.
An icy road can explain most of the accidents along this tunnel of doom but how do they explain this one? At the 0:57 mark, watch closely as the truck collides with a ghost truck. Out of nowhere, it smashes into an invisible truck. If anyone can explain this accident, please leave a comment below.
So there’s our list of 8 bizarre traffic accidents caught on camera. Did this listicle of bizarre traffic accidents make you want to avoid driving ever again? If so, let us know on Twitter and Facebook.