From a mysterious flying creature slamming into a windscreen to a bolt of lightning striking a moving car, join us as we take a look at 8 bizarre traffic accidents caught on camera. Remember, if you somehow find yourself caught up in an accident similar to any of these, Batta Fulkerson might be who you need to call. Having legal help from a group of professionals is ideal in situations like this, and you never want to enter stressful legal processes on your own. Anyway, here’s our list!
8. Flying Vans
This footage was taken on a road in Xingtai, China. It shows two white vans approaching an intersection when suddenly something very strange happens. Out of nowhere the two vans lift off the ground and get pushed backwards. It’s as though a strong gust of wind just picks them up.
Many theorists believed some kind of paranormal force lifted the cars into the air. The answer however, is a little more grounded. According to the driver of the van, the street cleaner, seen on the right hand side of the screen, got tangled up in some fallen cabling. It then pulled taut across the road, pushing the cars up into the air. This accident must have caused some nasty damage to the vans, which is why getting hire and reward van insurance is a sensible idea; you simply never know what is going to happen.
7. Elephant Sits on Car
This footage was taken by stunned motorists in Khao Yai National Park in Thailand. Here we see a bull elephant during mating season causing havoc on the road. It climbs all over the cars, mounting their roofs, sitting on their bonnets and tearing shreds off their bumpers.
6. Mysterious Flying Creature
There’s not a lot of information available about this clip. Taken in an unknown location it shows several people driving down a highway when things take a turn for the worst. Out of the sky a mysterious object flies into the windscreen, causing them to swerve off the road. Some claim it’s some kind of winged creature, calling it a demon, a goblin, a flying alien. Skeptics have noted that a camera doesn’t glitch like that even when smashed around, leaving a lot of Internet commentators shouting fake. What ever the case may be, it’s an alarming piece of footage and I hope no one was injured as a result.
5. Falling Trees
This incredible footage was taken on the 29th of December, 2014 in Victoria, Australia. It’s on a notoriously dangerous stretch of road known as the ‘black spur’. As high winds sweep through the forest a tree gives way and falls across the road. Then another one. And another one. Oh dear lord, the whole forest is falling down. In the States, drivers are encouraged to get to have a car accident lawyer los angeles on their side in-case of an accident. This way, they know they’re covered.
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