5 REAL Halloween Murders That Will Freak You Out!

2. Martha Moxley

The Martha Moxley case is a REAL Halloween Murders That Will Freak You Out!

The last time that 15-year-old Martha Moxley was seen alive was on October 30th, 1975. Martha had attended a party at the home of Rushton Skakel Sr., the brother-in-law of Robert F. Kennedy. Martha had been involved romantically at some point with both of Skakel’s sons, 15-year-old Michael and 17-year-old Thomas.

Martha was seen at the party flirting with Thomas, and soon the two teens left together. The next morning, Martha’s body was found in the back garden of her home in Greenwich, Connecticut. The teenager was semi-nude, and she had been severely beaten with a golf club. The attack was so brutal that the attacker broke the golf club and then proceeded to use the jagged end to repeatedly stab the girl.

Thomas Skakel was the most obvious suspect in the murder of Martha Moxley. During the investigation, it was determined that the golf club had come from the Skakel home and when questioned about his actions on the night that Martha was murdered, he had a weak alibi. However, during the investigation, detectives were unable to link any forensic evidence to prove that Thomas had committed the murder.

The case remained unsolved until 1998 when a grand jury reviewed the case and considered new evidence and testimony. Two students from a treatment center for disturbed teens stated that they had heard Michael Skakel confess to killing Martha Moxley. Michael himself stated that he had been looking into the windows of the Moxley home and masturbating between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m on the night that Martha was killed. Eventually, Michael admitted to killing Martha and he was sentenced to 20 years to life in prison in 2002. On October 23rd, 2013, he was granted a new trial when it was determined that his attorney had failed to properly represent him. The case still remains open and prosecutors will have to decide if they will try the case again.

1. Slain Zombie

The Taylor Van Diest case is a REAL Halloween Murders That Will Freak You Out!
Huff Post Canada

On Halloween night, 2011, Taylor Van Diest of Armstrong, British Columbia dressed up as a zombie and left her home at around 6 p.m. to meet some friends on their way to a party. Her route carried her along the railway track and eventually led her into an isolated area when she became uneasy. She sent a text message to a friend, stating that she was “being creeped”, inferring that she was being followed. No one ever heard from Taylor again. She was later found brutally beaten and strangled, with severe head injuries. Locals who lived in the area had heard her screams, but because it was Halloween, they didn’t give it any serious thought. She died at the hospital, without ever regaining consciousness.

The citizens of Armstrong, British Columbia were shocked that such a horrendous act could take place in their community, especially when it was realized that Taylor’s attacker had originally intended to rape her, but was deterred when she fought back. DNA retrieved from under Taylors nails identified 26-year-old Matthew Foerster as her killer. He went into hiding after the attack but was eventually arrested in April 2012 in Ontario.

Foerster claimed that Taylor’s death was an accident resulting from a struggle. He claimed that he approached her for consensual sex, but when she changed her mind he shoved her to the ground, causing her to hit her head on a metal pipe. The jury didn’t believe his tale. He was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to a life sentence that requires that he serve at least 25 years before he will be eligible for parole. Foerster’s father, 60-year-old Stephen Foerster was also arrested and sentenced to three years in prison as an accessory. He helped his son avoid the police by providing money and a false identity as well lying to the police about his whereabouts.

Well there’s our look at 5 real Halloween murders. Hopefully this listicle didn’t make you rethink your Halloween trick-or-treating plans. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on any of our socials.