10 Lame Supervillains You’ve Never Heard About

These characters are just awful

5. Kite Man

Lame Supervillains

Yep, this guy is about as lame as he sounds. Waiting to catch just the right gust of wind, this ridiculous villain employs the use of kites to perform his dastardly deeds. When confronted by enemies such as Batman, he throws handfuls of smaller kites at them before escaping on the breeze. He is eventually defeated by Hawkman after flying into a tree. Later, Kite Man is killed and eaten, yep that’s right eaten, by Bruno Mannheim, one of Metropolis’ most powerful gangsters.

4. Turner D. Century

Lame Supervillains

This awful supervillain is motivated by a love of early 20th century ideals. He dresses in pre-world war 1 era clothing, sports a wispy moustache, white trousers, a striped coat and a straw boater hat. He has a hatred for cultural and social change and believes everyone ought to act according to early 20th century aristocratic etiquette.

He rides around on a tandem bicycle, shooting flames out of a modified umbrella. His ultimate weapon is known as the ‘time horn’, designed to kill anyone under the age of 65.

3. Jihad

Lame Supervillains

This 25 foot tall, green genie is obsessed with world domination, facing up against the Fantastic Four. Now, talk about awful timing, Marvel unveiled Jihad the supervillain just 11 days prior to the September 11 attacks in New York. For very obvious reasons, Marvel has scrapped this character never to be used again.

2. Hemo-Goblin

Lame Supervillains

This ghastly vampire, created by DC, is part of a white supremacist group bent on eliminating all non-white ethnicities. He embodies all the usual vampire tropes like enhanced senses, immortality, thirst for blood, regeneration and so on… but the truly weird part of this character is that he has HIV. He can pass this on by biting his enemies and did so to Jet one of the New Guardians.

1. Asbestos Man

Lame supervillains

That’s right, Asbestos Man. Created in the early 60s this bizarre supervillain has a flame retardant suit made of asbestos. He often dukes it out with the Fantastic Four’s Human Torch, where on one occasion was able to beat him because of his perfectly safe asbestos armour that can deflect fire.

This character highlights the ignorance of people in the 1960s, still unaware of the dangers of this highly toxic substance.

In the 2011, Marvel comic book storyline ‘Fear Itself’, Asbestos Man is revealed to have developed cancer from his special suit and is forced to live in an oxygen tank. However, in another comic the Human Torch mentions that he died some years earlier.

So there’s our top 10 facts about lame supervillains. Did this listicle make you wanna read some comics or palm your forehead? Let us know on Twitter and Facebook.