10 Cutest and Most Colourful Insects On Earth

Colourful Insects - Nature At Its Finest

5. Rainbow Grasshopper

A brightly coloured rainbow grasshopper on a human hand - World's Cutest And Most Colourful Insects.


The rainbow grasshopper has three sub-species all with their own distinctive colour markings. Native to North America and Northern areas of Mexico, this brightly coloured grasshopper was first classified in 1843 by the German entomologist Toussaint de Charpentier. It inhabits low desert grasslands and thinly vegetated areas throughout the western Great Plains of the United States and southward into Mexico.

4. Rosy Maple Moth

Rosy maple moth - World's Cutest And Most Colourful Insects.

Little Things

The Rosy Maple Moth is native to North America. It has pink legs and antennae, a yellow body and hind wings and pink forewings with a yellow triangle in the middle. Feeding on the leaves of maple trees, the female maple moth can grow to have a wingspan of 40-50mm. The smaller male of the species does not eat once it has matured into a moth.

3. Tortoise Beetle

A tortoise beetle on a leaf - World's Cutest And Most Colourful Insects.

Bug Guide

The tortoise beetle has a hard outer ‘shell’ which extends outwards, protecting their legs and head from predators. It has the ability to change the metallic colouring on the centre of its outer casing with the edges of the casing being transparent. These amazing beetles have the ability to clamp flat down on a leaf to protect their head and legs from predators such as ants that might try and drag them away.

2. Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpillar

A spicebush swallowtail caterpillar close up - World's Cutest And Most Colourful Insects.

Worthwhile Smile

The spicebush swallowtail caterpillar uses mimicry as self defence. Just before it is ready to pupate, it develops a swollen thorax and 2 large black dots resembling the head of a common green snake. The caterpillar further mimics the movements of the snake by rearing up and retracting it’s head as if it is getting ready to strike. This helps the caterpillar to avoid being eaten by predators especially birds looking for a juicy meal.

1. Peacock Spider

A peacock spider showing its brightly coloured abdomen - World's Cutest And Most Colourful Insects.

Has Science Gone Too Far

The male peacock spider is known for it’s brightly coloured abdomen which it raises in an attempt to attract a female for mating. This artistic arachnid begins dancing from side to side while clapping it’s third pair of legs together to woo the lucky lady. The female peacock spider will then decide if she is interested in her pursuer. She will either mate with the male or attack and eat him if she is unimpressed. Sounds just like Saturday night down at the disco!


The cutest and most colourful insects on Earth! What do you think? Did we miss any?